A case of the "Chicken Pops" has hit our house, a case of the PURPLE Chicken Pops, nonetheless. Briley had company over today, one of her best friends, Lilly and Lilly's little brother, Eli. After being quiet for some time I began to wonder what they might be doing. The answer came quickly when Briley popped into my office to declare that she had "CHICKEN POPS". I had to stifle a laugh and tell her not to put anymore Chicken Pops on herself. She happily said ok and went off to add a few greens ones. Guess the purple one's were lonely. This time when she, Lilly and Eli came back to show me the new greens ones, I was more stern. She sadly said but I wanted Chicken Pops like Caillou. Oh, no more Sprout channel for her. How bad is it when you have to ground your 5-year-old from the public-based, educational TV programming? OK-OK I really didn't ground her. We've actually been quite tickled with it all evening.
Briley, thanks for the non-stop laughter you provide us!
Love, Mommy (aka-Joie)
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